Shop & Restaurant Air Conditioning

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Professional Installers of Shop Air Conditioning

Studies show customers are more likely to stay in your establishment longer based on the comfort of the environment they’re in. Air conditioners enable you to not only cool but also heat the shop in cooler months, this simple addition increases sales much more efficiently.

When choosing the best unit for the store, the placement and shape and size of room can make a huge difference for customers and staff, for example, many make the choice to place it above either the entrance or checkout to ensure instant comfort for customers or so that staff do not feel as if it be too hot or cold, dependent.

Under-ceiling air conditioning is a suitable option for larger stores due to the substantial air flow provided (up to 10m). Contrary to cassette units, under-ceiling are just mounted onto any ceiling, normally by a wall.

Although they may lack on the aesthetic front, they prove the greatest in terms of service. Therefore resulting in purchasing fewer units and lowering overall costs.